Victoria Kryveshchenko and her family founded a quail farm in 2008. Charivnyi Ptah provided Ukrainians with fresh quail eggs, which could be found even on the shelves of one of the largest supermarket chains in Ukraine called METRO. The company has its own trademark and patents, and in 2012 it was certified by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. The scale of the company’s work is impressive — Charivnyi Ptah was one of the top five producers of quail products in Ukraine.
The Russian occupation of the Kyiv region in March destroyed all the long-term work of the Kryveshchenko family. 70,000 quails died, the premises were destroyed, and the equipment was plundered.
«We do not give up, and we are not discouraged. Our plans include rebuilding the company, birds rearing, and creating jobs for the community»
In its activities, the company aims not only to make a profit. It also creates conditions for a better future by providing work to people with disabilities (since 2008, the company has been cooperating with the Obukhiv Association of the Blind), creating jobs for women, and complying with environmental safety requirements.