Христина Закревська з родиною варить сир вже два роки. Виготовляють сир із молока високогірних кіз, які вільно пасуться в екологічно чистій зоні в самому серці Гуцульщини.
Початок роботи над своєю справою в Закревських припав на локдаун 2020 року, який усе ж не завадив сімейному підприємству розвинутися і стати фінансовою опорою для всього села.
«We were the first to purchase milk from locals, making their households profitable. We started making cheese from a pot in the kitchen, but after 2 years of reinvestment, we grew. Now the scope of work is 2 pasteurizers of 150 and 300 liters and a separate equipped room for cheese making» Khrystyna tells.
Currently, the company's assortment includes 25 types of dairy products
«In the first months of the full-scale war, cheese factory sales dropped. In addition, the sales market has changed — earlier we sent our products to different parts of Ukraine, but with the advent of the Great War, we began to sell cheese locally, because many Ukrainians moved to the relatively safe Hutsul region»
Nowadays, people from all over Ukraine can order delicious goat cheese.